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Admission Process

The admission process is simple and transparent. It works on the belief that a personal interaction between parents/authorised guardians, the prospective student and the school’s authorised representatives is of far greater value than any conventional admission test. The process is aimed at giving us an insight into the type of education approach and environment you believe would be appropriate for your child to maximise his/her potential, while giving us a glimpse of the child’s strengths, learning needs and potential. It also gives you, as parents/authorised guardians, a first-hand opportunity to obtain an understanding of how our students and faculty engage with each other, our overall offering, curricula and our educational approach.

Enquiry Form

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Please note

  1. Pre School and Primary school placements will be based on interactions with and recommendations by the Grade Teacher and/or Special Educator for that specific grade.
  2. Entrance to Grades 6 to 12: Students will go through a short placement test in specific subjects like English, Mathematics and Science, aimed at evaluating grade appropriate academic competence.
  3. Applicants for Grade 11 may be granted admission based on marks obtained in the Grade 10 Board Examination. However, the School reserves the right to administer a placement test, depending on the choice of board, marks obtained and subjects opted for.
  4.  Admission in Grades 10 & 12 is very rare.

Admission Process

The following are the steps in the admission process for Parents/ Authorized Guardians of the child:


Browse the website to learn about the school’s philosophy, approach and offering. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment to meet us, please call us or mail us on


Application Form can be purchased from the school office. Besides the form, the Admission Packet contains the School Brochure, the Admission Process and Fee structure.


Submit the completed Application Forms along with


The admission process begins in October of the previous calendar year.


Payment of the one-time Non- Refundable Registration, Admission Fee and the Annual Education Fee becomes due within 1 week from the date of the provisional admission offer. Failure to do so may result in the seat being offered to another student.


Payment of the one-time Non- Refundable Registration, Admission Fee and the Annual Education Fee becomes due within 1 week from the date of the provisional admission offer. Failure to do so may result in the seat being offered to another student.

Note: *If you have any question about our admission process, please email us at .