Morning Assembly – 25.07.2022

“ Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

Good morning everyone. I am Vihana Parmar. Today’s assembly will be conducted by Class 5 E. The theme for the assembly is “ BeingThankful”.

The Scripture portion will be read by Rayyan Ansari.
A short story will be narrated by Dwitika Bhobate
The reflection will be read by Burhanuddin Rampurawala
The thought for the day will be given by Dhwaj Kothari
The prayer will be said by Diyaan Jain followed by Lord’s Prayer by Moosa Fruitwala
The news will be read by Mysha Daanish
The significance of the day will be given by Ananya Mane
The Pledge will be read by Saachi Sontake

Today’s Scripture reading is taken from Ephesians chapter 5 verse 20
“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ “. This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks are to the Lord.

Being Thankful
The “suppertime” call rang out and Nathan and Grandpa took their places at the table.

Grandma’s homemade bread and other goodies met Nathan’s bright eyes as he folded his hands and waited …..and waited. Though grandpa was hungry too, he was adjusting his knife and fork, and plate as he finished a little conversation with grandma.

The wait was too long for hungry Nathan, so he put his little hand on Grandpa’s arm and said, “Say grace, Grampy, say grace.” So with their heads bowed, Grandpa thanked God for his love and for the food that He had again provided for them, in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Grandpa’s prayer had especially pleased Nathan, so when their eyes opened he looked up at his grandpa with a satisfied smile and said, “ The Lord Jesus loves that !”

What a truth and lesson we have learned from a three-year-old. The Lord does love to hear our thankfulness for everything He has provided for us. Salvation from our sins is, of course, the greatest. But our food, health, and safety are included in His daily care for us, too.

Thought for the day
Live in gratitude. When you are thankful for what you have, you are always rewarded with more.

Kindly join your hands and bow your heads in the prayer which will be followed by the Lord’s Prayer
Thank you, Lord, for this new day and the blessings you have bestowed on us. You have provided for us in abundance. You have given us a wonderful family and friends. Also, thank you, Lord, for keeping us safe. And Lord, I am so grateful for keeping those around me safe and loved.
For all this and more we thank You, O loving Lord for your abundant grace and mercy.
Lord, we offer a special prayer for the sick and ask you to put your healing touch over them.
Lord we also ask for special blessings for the ones who are celebrating their birthdays today.
Lord, we ask you to guide us on the right path. We pray that you remind us of just how blessed we are and that you never allow us to forget to show gratitude in prayer and returned acts of kindness. We make this prayer in your name our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Lord’s Prayer
Today’s headlines
Significance of the Day :

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