Morning Assembly – 17.10.2022

Parv Dedhia will read the Scripture Portion.
A short story will be narrated by Keith Bhathena.
The Thought for the day will be given by Pranjal Singh.
The prayer will be recited by Mahith Champaneria.
The important news headlines will be given by Kaavya Jain.
The significance of the day will be given by Shivangi Chaudhary.
The pledge will be read by Kiah Bhandari.

Scripture reading
A Reading from the book of

Appreciating others

“I was about ten. My mom had just finished cooking one of her delicious meals. Later, as I
was washing the dishes my mom came up to me “Sorry dinner was awful again”, she said. I
was shocked.”What? No, it was great. I loved it”. “Really?” you always eat so quietly, I
thought you hated my cooking. “No, you are the best cook I know” “Then you should tell
me that”, she said. “Whenever someone does something nice for you, you should thank that
person. From that day onwards I started thanking everyone for everything that they would
do for me. It became a habit. I realized that the reaction of the people towards me had
changed; they started liking me more and started sharing things with me.
One day as I returned from school there was a gift waiting for me. I was told that the bus
driver was touched by my simple gesture of thanking him. Those two simple words made a
huge difference to him.

Thought for the day -When you see something good in someone, tell them about it. It may
take a few seconds for you to say it, but it may last a lifetime for them.

Let us pray: Thank you God for the gift of another day and all the blessings that you have
showered upon us. Lord, there are people in our life who have helped us, been kind, and
cared for us, whom we have taken for granted most of the time. Lord, give us the grace to
be thankful and show our appreciation for all that others have done for us.
Let us continue with The Lord’s Prayer

Important news headlines
Significance of the day:
The General Assembly of the United Nations declared October 17 as the International
Day for the Eradication of Poverty, in the fight to eradicate extreme poverty, as it is a
violation of human rights.

Let us stand to attention for the pledge.
Kindly stand to attention for the National Anthem.
Thank you. Have a blessed day.

Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 11.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
The word of the Lord.
Thanks to God.

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